Connect and Explore
Interested in helping out at the Center? Volunteers are the backbone of the Great River Road Visitor & Learning Center and Freedom Park. We need enthusiastic people to serve on our Board of Directors, help maintain our gift store, greet people at the welcome desk, help maintain our beautiful gardens, help with event support, and many other miscellaneous ways such as photography or marketing. We could not run our center without the tremendous support of our volunteers!
Have questions, interested in joining one of our amazing teams, please outreach to:
Linda Schenk at: linda.schenk@freedomparkwi.org
Grow the Gardens
Over 210,000 people from every state and 53 countries and counting have enjoyed the Great River Road Visitor Center at Freedom Park since it opened in 2006. They come for the views and leave with beautiful memories. The gardens have been a highlight for many of them. Lovingly maintained by dedicated volunteers and funded by the generosity of people like you, the gardens need our help to stay in shape.
Coulee River Trails
Coulee River Trails (CRT) is a non-profit community group under the fiscal sponsorship of Friends of Freedom Park that is committed to developing and maintaining a regional trail system in the Prescott area. Their work strives to protect nationally significant habitat as a nature reserve and promote outdoor activity by creating a trail system to allow walkers and bikers to explore and enjoy the unique confluence region.
As you may have heard, the Joint Finance Committee recently approved funding from the State of Wisconsin in the form of a Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Grant to help purchase a 76-acre parcel of land called “Pine Coulee.” Permanent conservation of this property will be possible pending successful fundraising that we expect to begin during summer 2023.
Landmark Conservancy will be leading the effort to raise funds for purchasing Pine Coulee and to guarantee its preservation for future generations. We are grateful for Landmark’s partnership for the last three years as we have developed the vision and mission for Coulee River Trails. Click (HERE) to read a recent article from Friends of Freedom Park’s Former Board Chair Jeff Ruehle in the Pierce County Journal.