Marathon Petroleum is the proud sponsor of our 2025 events and programs offered at the Great River Road Visitor and Learning Center - Freedom Park.
Thank You Marathon Petroleum!

We are proud to support fine art created by our local Prescott artists! Art will be available for viewing in our River Room Art Gallery during all business hours. All art is for sale with proceeds benefiting both the artist and Freedom Park. Please come and support our artists! Check the calendar for their individual “Art Receptions” where you can meet the artist and have some light refreshments!
October 1 to March 31, 2024 = Prescott High School
2025 Artist Line Up:
May = Gabrielle Magin
June = Peter Mutschler
July = Agra Pottery
August = The Little Colony Artists
September = Rachael Danielson
Oct. - March = Prescott High School Artists

Community Day of Service
Organized by Community Education, come and help get our playground ready for the year! We need mulch spreaders…the more the merrier! :-)

Darien Reads By The Fireplace!
Come hear our AMAZING Prescott Librarian Ms. Darien Becker read super fun stores by the fireplace!

National Junior Rangers Day
It’s National Junior Ranger Day! Come and learn from a National Park Ranger what it takes to become a Junior Ranger! Go through the training and become a Junior Ranger! FREE!

American Legion Easter Egg Hunt
Calling all kids! Bring a basket to collect your egg finds! 5 Candy filled eggs per child. Prizes for every child. Happy Easter!

Earth Day Celebration
Our planet needs us! Let’s come together and learn how to keep our planet healthy. Earth day will boast speakers, vendors, kids activities, food and drink, and just plain fun! More details to follow.

Partner Event: Trillium Festival
We are proud to support Cooper Hanson Photography with their Trillium Festival! Tom Hansen is just WONDERFUL!
Trillium grandiflorum is most common in rich, mixed upland forests. It is easily recognized by its attractive three-petaled white flowers, opening from late spring to early summer, that rise above a whorl of three, leaf-like bracts. It is an example of a spring ephemeral, a plant whose life-cycle is synchronised with that of the deciduous woodland which it favours.

Art Reception
Come and meet artist Gabrielle Magin at her art reception! Light refreshments will be served!

Carpenter Nature Center - Raptor Program
Raptors– Learners of all ages- Observe live raptors, learn about their similarities and differences, and hear about adaptations a bird of prey has to help it survive. Presented by Abby Holden

Music in the Park
Music in the Park is BACK again for another wonderful year of music, fun, and community gathering! Come and hear the music of The Prescott High School Garage Band! Concert starts at 6:30pm to 8:00pm FREE and open to all. Bring your bug spray and a chair!
One Eye Dave’s Food Stand will start at 6:00pm and the Freedom Park Bar will be serving up delicious drinks. This is a fundraiser for Freedom Park!

BioBlitz - Nature Observations
Meet Author Jean Maher. Jean is a local photographer and author of a unique book for children and adults, "What Do You Spy with Your Eagle Eyes?" She will lead PreK-5th grade learners and their caregivers through how to make nature observations using her book and other resources available. If weather allows, she will lead attendees through a nature hike around Freedom Park. Darien Becker (Prescott Librarian) will give announcements about the Blitz, remind folks about instructions and show where people can explore for the BioBlitz around town (e.g., Freedom Park, Mercord Mill Park, Prescott Beach, Coulee River Trails). Books will be for sale before and after the BioBlitz! Free Event!

Summer Kickoff
Start the summer off right at the Prescott Library! Freedom Park will have a table there, stop on by!
Art Reception
Come and meet Photographer Peter Mutschler. Light refreshments will be served too.

Music in the Park
Music in the Park is BACK again for another wonderful year of music, fun, and community gathering! Come and hear the music of Mayfair Three! Concert starts at 6:30pm to 8:00pm FREE and open to all. Bring your bug spray and a chair!
Food Stand will start at 6:00pm and the Freedom Park Bar will be serving up delicious drinks. This is a fundraiser for Freedom Park!

Books and Benches
Come and listen to books by our art bench in the park! Stories read by Darien, Prescott Librarian. Special appearance by a National Park Ranger! FREE!

Art Reception
Come and meet Mark Strehlow the owner of Agra Pottery! Light refreshments will be served.

Music in the Park
Music in the Park is BACK again for another wonderful year of music, fun, and community gathering! Come and hear the music of the Mississippi Valley Orchestra ~ Crewtet! Concert starts at 6:30pm to 8:00pm FREE and open to all. Bring your bug spray and a chair!
Food Stand will start at 6:00pm and the Freedom Park Bar will be serving up delicious drinks. This is a fundraiser for Freedom Park!

Exotic Pet Surrender
These events aim to reduce invasive species by giving people options for their unwanted pets other than releasing them into the wild. In some areas, there are no rehoming options for exotic animals such as fish, birds, and reptiles. Some pet owners that are unable to care for their pet may think that releasing the animal is the right thing to do, however, releasing a pet is harmful for the animal and the environment.
J&R Aquatic Animal Rescue (JRAAR) is hosting the event with help from several other area organizations including environmental organizations, pet rescues, and others.In an effort to combat invasive species, J&R Aquatic Animal Rescue is organizing the Exotic Pet Surrender Event, a venue for pet owners to relinquish care of exotic animals responsibly.
Accepted animals include fish, invertebrates, reptiles, pet birds, small mammals and plants.
Domestic pets will not be accepted.

Music in the Park
Music in the Park is BACK again for another wonderful year of music, fun, and community gathering! Come and hear the music of Just the Tip! Concert starts at 6:30pm to 8:00pm FREE and open to all. Bring your bug spray and a chair!
Food Stand will start at 6:00pm and the Freedom Park Bar will be serving up delicious drinks. This is a fundraiser for Freedom Park!

Art Reception
Come and meet the artists of The Little Colony Art Group! Multiple artists will be showcasing their art. Light refreshments will be served.

Music in the Park
Music in the Park is BACK again for another wonderful year of music, fun, and community gathering! Come and hear the music of Smooth Sensation Band! Concert starts at 6:30pm to 8:00pm FREE and open to all. Bring your bug spray and a chair!
One Eye Dave’s Food Stand will start at 6:00pm and the Freedom Park Bar will be serving up delicious drinks. This is a fundraiser for Freedom Park!

Art Reception
Come and meet artist Rachael Danielson! Light refreshments will be served.

Small Business Weekend
Enjoy a day of treats and surprises! Get a jump on your Christmas shopping! Come and support our non-profit through sales of our gift store items! Happy shopping!

Kids B..I..N..G..O! Calling all kids to come and play BINGO ! Win some GREAT prizes playing a fun game! Free and open to all

Meat Raffle
Calling all meat lovers and their friends! Come and support the Great River Road Visitor and Learning Center and win some fabulous meat at the meat raffle at Scabs Place! See you there! :-)

Reading With A Ranger
Our first ever Reading With A Ranger event!
11:00 a.m., Meet & Greet Table
11:15 a.m., Prescott Public Library Storytime
11:30 a.m., Reading with a Ranger Storytime
11:45 a.m., NPS Thank You and 4th Grade Pass Distribution
12:00 p.m., NPS Clean-up and Depart
All ages are welcome. Free and open to all.

How To Attract Bluebirds To Your Yard
Join the Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin (BRAW) in a class designed to teach you how to attract bluebirds to your yard! Experts will share their vast knowledge with you. Free and open to all!

Darien the Prescott Librarian Reads by our Fireplace
UPDATE: SORRY but this event has been cancelled due to a snow storm. Got cabin fever? Get out of the house and join us for a delightful book reading time by the fireplace. Darien will engage the kids with great books! Free and open to all.

Meat Raffle
Calling all meat lovers and their friends! Come and support the Great River Road Visitor and Learning Center and win some fabulous meat at the meat raffle at Scabs Place! See you there! :-)

Calling all kids…come and paint a small birdhouse and put it in your yard to help protect the birds this winter! Free and open to all kids. Painting “While Supplies Last.”
Darien Becker from the Prescott Library will be reading books from 11:00am to 11:30am by our fireplace!

Story Time!
Join us during our Small business Weekend Events! Smores, Fire Pit, Gift Shop Sale, multiple vendors, Beer and Wine available.
We are excited to see you this weekend!

Small Business Weekend
Get a jump on your Holiday shopping and support a non-profit!
November 30th - 10:00am to 5:00pm and December 1st. 12:00pm to 5:00pm
Gift store SALE, 25% off select items all weekend!
Prescott High School Art For Sale
Saturday ONLY ~
Special Reading Time with Prescott Librarian Darien Becker! 10:00am to 11:00am
Sunday ONLY ~
Santa at 12:00pm to 2:00pm in the center. Come and get your picture with Santa and tell him what you would like for Christmas!
River Hughes Art demonstration and sale

The Mighty Mississippi - Connecting America's Heartland to the World.
Mr. Tom Struve will talk about...The Mighty Mississippi - Connecting America’s Heartland to the World. Guests will enjoy this in-depth look at the entire Mississippi River System. As the largest artery at the base of the network of important tributary rivers in our nation’s inland waterway system, she becomes an epic American transportation link to the world. Her industrial and commercial transportation prowess benefits every American citizen every day.

Join us for our final Music in the Park of 2024. We are excited to bring you the amazing sounds of Tony Cuchetti.
From John Apice of :
"The Minnesota-based artist veers between rock, blues, Gospel & soulful ingredients. His secret ingredient in his vocals – nice & deep, warm with melodic magic throughout “The After.” The lyrics are intelligent & sprayed out with sincerity & soulfulness. Cuchetti has power in his tone & gives it a full-tilt stab in these generously written tales.
Part of his attraction is also his diversification, his being creatively different from the run-of-the-mill wannabes. Many of the wannabes sadly sing well & may even play well, but they don’t know how to write a decent song or arrange it to be alluring or attractive to the ears. Tony Cuchetti is a master."

Summer Schedule for Garden Work
Summer schedule for garden work is Wednesdays from 9am to 11am for routine weeding and watering. Vacation/travel time is here so whoever can make it, please come to Freedom Park and help keep things looking nice for summer events and tours. Everyone’s efforts are appreciated!

Summer Schedule for Garden Work
Summer schedule for garden work is Wednesdays from 9am to 11am for routine weeding and watering. Vacation/travel time is here so whoever can make it, please come to Freedom Park and help keep things looking nice for summer events and tours. Everyone’s efforts are appreciated!

Fine art created by our local Prescott artists will be available for viewing in our River Room Art Gallery during all business hours. Please come and support our artists! Check the calendar for their individual “Art Receptions” where you can meet the artist and have some light refreshments!
September 1 to September 30 = The Little Colony Artists

Historical Bus Tour of the Great River Road
Registration is required: Please email Linda Schenk at with how many people would like to sign up. Please supply: 1. The full name of the person(s) attending, email, phone number. I will call you back and get your credit card information over the phone.
Do you like history? Than this is your tour to join Prescott native historian Dallas Eggers. He will regal you with stories on a historical bus ride from Prescott to Pepin. We will be stopping at various towns and attractions along the way. Dallas will also be focusing on the history of Pepin. Let the bus take you to places you’ve never seen and hear stories you’ve never heard!
Drop off and pick-up at Freedom Park ~ 200 Monroe St. Prescott, WI 54021 Please be at the park and ready to board the bus at 10:00am. Drive time will be 10:00am to 4:00pm.
Event will happen rain or shine so dress accordingly.
There will be stops and bathroom breaks along the way.
Limit of 48 people (School Bus)
Cost $30 + tax per person (Lunch is extra)
Lunch at The Pickle Factory in Pepin Wisconsin at 12:15pm.

Books and Benches
Come and join the Prescott Public Library and the National Park Services for a day of stories and education by our Butterfly Bench! Family friendly and FREE!

Backyard Birds Presentation
Come and hear Judith Sparrow present on birds that you will find in your backyard. Judith will help you identify various bird species and she will educate you on how to feed, maintain, and care for these birds.
Judith Sparrow Bio: “I have been a "birder" for over 45 years and I have 92 species of birds on my yard list at my home, located around 4 miles south of downtown Prescott. As of now, I have 18 bird feeders in my yard.”
Pictured: Baltimore Oriole, male
Grape jelly in cups and cut-up oranges served separately will attract them to your yard.

Book Reading: Grandma and Grandpa's Great Loop Adventure
Author Kelly Johnson will read from her newly released book: Grandma and Grandpa’s Great Loop Adventure. Family friendly and FREE event! Books for sale. Light refreshments will be served.

Art Reception - Doreen Smith
Help support our local artists! Come and meet Ms. Doreen Smith. Light refreshments will be served.

PARTNER EVENT: Summer Kickoff
What is the Summer Kickoff? A chance for Prescott to come together and celebrate our community, and of course, to kick-off the summer with friends, music and fun!

PARTNER EVENT - Trillium Festival
Rustic Road Gallery presents Trillium Festival. A chance to view Trillium, walk nature trails on the rustic road, sample live music, partake in sound meditations, create your own pollinator gardens and so much more! A GREAT festival to take your Mother (or anyone) to! Festival takes place in Stockholm Wisconsin. More specific information:

Earth Day Celebration & Spring Park Clean Up!
A family friendly FREE event to celebrate Earth Day! Come and enjoy vendors, special presentations (schedule below), kids crafts led by St. Croix Stars 4 H club, stories read by Ms. Sam, Youth and Adult Services Librarian Prescott Library, and a movie night. Come and watch The Lorax by Dr. Seuss (details below.)
Vendors: All Day
Two Fat Guys Smoking - Food Truck!
Heritage Woods Honey (and tasting) - Joerg Kessler and Kathy Sweeney
Cooper Hansen Photography - Tom Hansen
Young Acres Farm - Amy Young
Prescott Public Library - Samantha Chester-Moore
St. Croix Stars 4 H Club - Members - Children’s Activity at booth AND YUMMY Treats baked by the students will be for sale. Come and satisfy your sweet tooth!
Marathon Petroleum
Coulee River Trails (CRT)
RiveHugh Art - River Hughes
Stewards of the Gardens Group
Outdoor games - Giant Jenga, Bean Bags
Presentation Schedule: Located in the River Room
Just show up for a presentation, no pre-registration needed!
11:00am to 11:30am - Wisconsin Master Naturalist Joerg Kessler presents E-tools for Nature Adventurers
No need for paper field guides to find out what you are looking at on a Nature hike. Smartphone applications allow users to identify and learn about the birds, plants, and insects we encounter as we explore Nature. Master Naturalist Joerg Kessler will demonstrate the basic functionality of 4 Smartphone applications, iNaturalist for wildlife ,Picture This for plant identification, Merlin for bird identification by sight or song, and eBird for bird surveys.
12:00pm to 12:30pm - Tom Hansen presents Bird migration of the area.
Professional Nature photographer Tom Hansen will talk about the migration of common large birds of the area.
1:00pm to 1:30pm - Wisconsin Master Naturalist Joerg Kessler Presents “Birds of the Night”
One fifth of all mammal species are bats. Bats provide the same services at night as birds do in the day. They eat lots and lots of night flying insects and pollinate plants and disperse seeds. Wisconsin is home to 8 species. Of those, four are in serious decline due to white nose syndrome (WNS). Join Master Naturalist Joerg Kessler for an enlightening overview of bat life and how we can help.
2:00pm to 2:30pm - Wisconsin Master Naturalist Joerg Kessler presents Beyond Birdhouses - 10 Ways to Help Nesting Birds
Nesting birds can use human help far beyond a few birdhouses and bird seed. Join Master Naturalist Joerg Kessler for a presentation of ten things we can do to help all our feathery friends, whether nesting and raising their chicks in a birdhouse, shrub, tree or on the ground, during their most vulnerable time, the nesting season.
3:00pm to 3:30pm - Wisconsin Master Naturalist Kathy Sweeney presents Certify your yard or container garden as a wildlife resource
Interested in participating in a community of wildlife appreciators for specific pollinators like monarch butterflies through the Monarch Waystation registry or in the Wildlife Habitat Certification through the
National Wildlife Federation? Another option is to consider participating in the Home Grown National Park movement? Each certification option provides educational resources and networks of like-minded wildlife
advocates as well as lawn signs to proclaim your commitment to nurturing specific endangered creatures.
4:00pm to 4:30pm - Amy Young - Young Acres Farm presents Young Acres Farm Apples and More!
Come and hear what Amy has to say about what Young Acres Farm has to offer. Everything from apples to fine dining, to weddings, field trips, and catering.
Continuous throughout the day - Ms. Sam (Prescott Public Library) presents “Storytime” by the fireplace!
Stewards of the Park Spring Park Clean-Up: Calling all those that love to help maintain our beautiful park! All you need is a can do attitude! We welcome all ages to come and help get our park ready for the season. Be ready to have some fun in the park with great people! Bring your own tools or use the ones here at the park.
Movie Night at Freedom Park - In the River Room
We are showing The Lorax by Dr. Seuss - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
All ages welcome. $3 per child (cash preferred at the door)
Bring a pillow or blanket if you would like. Movie shown in the River Room.
Concessions available for sale: Popcorn, treats, beverages.

Stewards of freedom Park ~ Garden Work Sessions
Come and help the Stewards of Freedom Park maintain the park and grounds! All ability levels are welcome!
Schedule: Wednesdays ~ 10:00am to 12:00pm at Freedom Park
April 10th
April 19th (Friday)
April 20th (Saturday - Earth Day)
April 24th
May 1st
May 8th
May 15th
May 22nd

Exotic Pet Surrender Event
In an effort to combat invasive species, J&R Aquatic Animal Rescue is organizing the Exotic Pet Surrender Event, a venue for pet owners to relinquish care of exotic animals responsibly. Accepted animals include fish, invertebrates, reptiles, pet birds, small mammals and plants. Domestic pets will not be accepted.

Fine art created by our local Prescott artists will be available for viewing in our River Room Art Gallery during all business hours. Please come and support our artists! Check the calendar for their individual “Art Receptions” where you can meet the artist and have some light refreshments!
Schedule of Artists:
April 1 to May 30th 12:00pm = Judy O’Neill ~ Art Reception April 14th 2pm to 4pm
June 1 to June 29 = Doreen Smith ~ Art Reception June 1st 2pm to 4pm
July 1 to July 30 = Will Fritsch ~ Art Reception July 21st 2pm to 4pm
August 1 to August 30 = Mike Sullivan ~ Art Reception August 11th 2pm to 4pm
September 1 to September 30 = The Little Colony Artists
October 1 to December 1 = Prescott High School

American Legion Easter Egg Hunt
Join the American Legion for an Easter Egg Hunt at Freedom Park!

Storytime with Ms. Sam - Prescott Library
Join us by our cozy fireplace to hear amazing stories read by Ms. Samantha Barth - Youth and Adult Services Librarian. Enjoy a cup of hot cocoa while listening!

Movie Night at Freedom Park
In partnership with Community Education!
All ages welcome
Bring a pillow or blanket if you would like. Movie shown in the River Room
Cost: $3 per child - Cash preferred
Concessions available for sale: Popcorn, treats, beverages
Post movie, make an inspirational card for a senior!

Stewards of Freedom Park Spring Planning Meeting
All are welcome, join us for the group’s second planning session. Plan to discuss upcoming planting and clean-up projects, as well as Earth Day events at the park planned for Saturday April 20th.